Monday, June 25, 2007

Day 26

Day 26. June 20, 2007.

The day begain at 7:00 AM with breakfast. At 8:00 AM, Dr. Fred Talbot worked with the Accelerator Team on interviewing skills. Our participants did mock interviews with one another to prepare for Friday's Career Day.

At 9:30 AM, we gathered in Averbuch Auditorium for the presentations to the Tennessee Performing Arts Center management team. At 11:00 AM, TPAC's President, Kathleen O'Brien announced the ranking of the Accelerator teams: 1st Place: Team 3; 2nd Place: Team 4; 3rd Place: Team 1; 4th Place: Team 2; and 5th Place: Team 5. Members of the winning team include: Carlos Aro, Mike DiBenigno, Emanuel Gunn, Chris Kierstead, Ashley Ledlow (Team Leader), rob Lindsay, Dave Mayer, Natalia Moreno and Spencer Patton.

The TPAC team stayed for lunch with us at the Owen Graduate School of Management. After lunch, the Accelerator teams met to work on the HCA presentations and rehearse presentations. At 4:30 PM, we changed the focus and began rehearsing for the American Airlines presentations that will be tomorrow. It will be another late night doing the final prepartion of slides, storyboard, handouts and speeches for American Airlines.

We ended the day at 10:15 PM. Tomorrow will be a very important day - the winning team of American Airlines will be flying to the DFW offices of AA to present their plan to the Sr. Mgmt Team of American Airlines!