Tuesday, May 22, 2007

I want to welcome you to my blog for Accelerator 2007, Vanderbilt’s Summer Business Institute. A hand-selected group of 50 students will come together and experience a unique immersion into the world of business. For these young men and women, Accelerator 2007 offers a hands-on, real-world experience that will complement their undergraduate education with the specific, practical skills needed to “hit the ground running” in today’s business climate.

This “Business Bootcamp” will launch on Saturday, May 26th – and for 30 straight days, 12 hours a day - these young people will be completely immersed in an intensive program that includes over 100 hours of training/education, over 250 hours of corporate projects, and will meet over 100 business leaders. They will be pushed to do more than they ever imaged.