Monday, May 28, 2007

Day 2. May 27, 2007

Project Management, Team Dynamics, Process Management and Project Story Boarding ruled the day. Teams defined individual roles and began the process of understanding the current customers vs. the desired customers for our corporate partner on project one.

Teams designed tools to measure and collect observational data for our client company and the firm’s competitors. Dr. Owens oriented the Accelerator teams to tools designed for innovative thinking about the MAPCO project. Dr. Furse worked with the teams to understand the “gap” between products and customers.

After dinner, the teams divided tasks – sending some members out to collect information, capture images and complete research. Others began working on storyboard and final presentations. Lots of Dasani water, Red Bull, and Post Its.

The teams clocked over 14 hours of work today and consumed (while working) over 200 bottles of water, 4 gallons of coffee, a 3 flats of chips, 8 cases of soda (plus 3 full meals). “Twenty somethings” do get hungry!